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Copyright and Conditions of Use


Parliament of New South Wales Parlimento content will be tagged with information about its copyright status using one of the following copyright symbols with links to its conditions of use:


Creative Commons

Copyright in this item belongs to the State of New South Wales through the Parliament of New South Wales and is licenced for use under a Creative Commons Non Commercial, No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International) copyright license. It allows users to copy and share the item in any medium or format for non-commercial purposes, provided the item is not changed in any way, it is attributed to the author/creator (where known) and the Parliament of NSW by including the copyright notice “© State of New South Wales through the Parliament of New South Wales”.  This Creative Commons licence does not apply to material containing personal information (e.g. photographs of people which are approved for use in Parliament of New South Wales publications only). Full licence terms are available from Creative Commons. No warranties or other rights are provided by the licence.

Copyright - © All rights reserved

The work is under current copyright restrictions and copyright is owned by a third party (not Parliament of NSW). It may not be reproduced, communicated or copied (other than as permitted by the Copyright Act 1968) without the copyright holder’s permission. Use of material that is in copyright will require the permission of the copyright owner (unless the use is an exception permitted by the Copyright Act 1968) and it is the user’s responsibility to obtain the copyright owner’s permission.

No copyright

This item is no longer under copyright in Australia and is in the public domain. It may be used freely. When using or sharing this item attribution should be given to the “State of New South Wales through the Parliament of New South Wales”. 

Copyright not identified

Parliament of NSW has not been able to determine if there are current copyright restrictions on this item. The user may need to obtain permission from third parties to reuse their material. When using or sharing this item, attribution should be given to the Parliament of NSW.

Orphaned works:

The creator of this work is not known. The Parliament of NSW has not been able to determine if there are current copyright restrictions on this item. The user may need to obtain permission from third parties to reuse their material except as permitted by the Copyright Act 1968. When using or sharing this item, attribution should be given to the “State of New South Wales through the Parliament of New South Wales” as the source of the material. 

Take-down requests:

If you are concerned that you have found material in the Parlimento website which you think is in breach of copyright law, please contact us in writing stating:
•    your contact details
•    full description and details of the material
•    the nature of your concern.
You can submit your request via the online feedback form, marked to the attention of Manager Records and Archives


Where to find the copyright information

The relevant copyright status is identified within the description of each item. When you select to download an item, the relevant copyright symbol and text will be displayed and appear in the download report.

Parliament of NSW copyright

Parliament of NSW copyright material published on its Parlimento database (excluding material containing personal information) is made available on CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence terms.  For licence terms applying to other Parliament of NSW copyright material view Parliament of NSW’s general copyright and conditions of use statement on our website.  (The Parliament of NSW does not licence copyright in third party material or orphan works on its Parlimento database.)

Copyright issues

The Parliament of NSW respects intellectual property. If there is any inaccuracy, omission or, as a copyright owner, you wish to have an image of your work removed, please contact us.

Citation and attribution

If using items from this site you should credit “State of New South Wales through the Parliament of New South Wales” and provide a citation. The citation for an item can be downloaded from the catalogue by selecting the Citation tool (  ).


Acknowledgement of Country